Join our soccer league today! It is a great way to meet people, have fun, and play the game you love!
We play Friday Nights & Saturday Nights!
Div 1 – Competitive
Div 2 – Less Competitive
*Divisions are based on the number of teams enrolled in each season. Some seasons may have only 1 div.
Big Goal Coed Soccer League has been making a name for itself since 2008.
Our organization maintains great sportsmanlike conduct on the field and every game has a field marshal.
Our Vision: Provide a social interaction through soccer and enable communities to pursue fit and healthy lives.
Our Mission: Create opportunities for social interactions that strengthen communities.

League is played year round - in average we have 22-24 teams divided on 2 Divisions!
To Form a's easy as 1, 2, 3!
Get 10 friends together and FORM A TEAM, must have a minimum of 2 female players on the team.
On your own? We'll help!
Register as a free agent!
If you don't have a team, no problem - we place the "FREE AGENTS" on the Teams!!!
To register as a FREE AGENT, email

Storm Div II League Champs

Atletico Friday Div I League Champs

Arizona FC Saturday Div I League Champs
Registration is $60 each player (No Team Fee)
ALL INCLUSIVE (Team fees, player fee, Referee fees, lined fields and on-site Coordinator)
Men and women must be 18 years old and over to play.
Games are Saturday nights & Friday nights
6-8 games plus play-offs
50 minute games
70x45 lined field
2 Coed Divisions (Div 1 Competitive - Div 2 Less Competitive)
All Skill Levels
8 players min on roster (must have 2 female players)
Regular Size Goals 8v8 game (keeper + 7 field players)
Medal for each player on 1st and 2nd place teams
Team trophy for Team Div champs